The House of Doo

The House of Doo

Thursday, August 2, 2012


“Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend.”  - Plautus

So, I had an interesting conversation with my dad's cousin the other day.  I don’t really know what got us on this topic, but she asked if I was in a “MOPS” (moms of preschoolers) group, for meeting other moms or what have you.  I was honest with her.  I can’t stand groups of women.  I am okay with a couple, but can’t stand being in a group of them.  If it’s more than two, I shut down.  To my surprise, she completely understood.  I don’t usually get that response, especially from a “real adult,” if you know what I mean.  ;)  I have always had a hard time being comfortable around other females, as I am not really a girly-girl.  Like I have said before, I lived with my dad and was around a bunch of men who watched wrestling (Ravishing Rick Rude, what!) and football until I was seven.  Maybe that’s why?  I like football, baseball, fires, playing trucks and ball, not playing Barbies or dress-up.  Women in groups always intimidate me and for some reason, I always allow myself to feel inferior to them.  That’s definitely my fault, not theirs.  I have very few girl friends and more guy friends.   Granted, the few girl friends that I do have are amazing, but aside from them, I don’t trust girls.  They are catty.  They talk about you when you walk away.  They say they like your new jeans and then when you can’t hear, turn to their friend and say “did you see how big her hips looked in those jeans?”  Maybe one day I will get over that.  I hope so, because I would really love to have friends who are in the same situations, dealing with the same things as me.  

Anyone else ever have this problem?  How do you deal with it or do you deal with it?  Suggestions?


  1. I feel the exact same way, except I'm not in the "mommy club"! I just tend to keep to my circle of friends because there are a lot of fakes in the little town where I live.

  2. I think there are here too. Or maybe I am just a skeptic. ;)
